Unwavering Commitment

Pastor James Manning is a prominent leader in Harlem, New York City, dedicated to uplifting his community through initiatives in education, hunger relief, job creation, and homelessness prevention. His unwavering commitment has significantly addressed critical social issues affecting the city’s most vulnerable populations, demonstrating how one individual’s vision can create meaningful change in the lives of many.

Educating the Youth of NYC

Pastor Manning is dedicated to educating the New York City youth and giving them life tools to succeed and achieve professional careers. In 1995 he founded Great Tomorrows Elementary School after hearing the news about a severely neglected adolescent living in the Harlem community. He opened the school to give children of the community a school that would teach and give them hope of a greater tomorrow. He later expanded the school, adding a middle school and high school. Under Pastor’s guidance, the school has graduated over 500 students that were accepted at Yale, Juilliard, Cardozo Law and New York University.

Housing the Homeless

Pastor Manning is committed to tackling homelessness in New York City, especially amongst families. For decades, he opened the church doors to homeless men sleeping on the street and provided them with food and shelter. The church continues to give shelter to families in need.

Feeding the Hungry

Growing up in rural North Carolina, Pastor Manning personally experienced true hunger. As Pastor for over forty years, he has served over two million meals to NYC poor and needy. Without government assistance, he operates a daily breakfast program for families. 

Creating Jobs for the Unemployed

In the 2000s, Pastor Manning created a jobs program and employed individuals having difficulties entering the job force. This program armed participants with invaluable job skills that aided them in finding permanent jobs in various sectors.

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